my playlist

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

DANG IT!!!!!!

Today I broke another pair of headphones on the door. So I have basically one pair that is decent.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


These quotes will be on repeat if I add some. I won't tell you who the ppl are who said these.

"I'm not a pacifist I just don't like to fight"

"her form is like a 2x4"

"I don't want to flex but i have more muscle that you"

"incoming (decked in the face HARD)"

These are the only ones that I can think of. I have alot more though.

a full weekend

This weekend was an awesome weekend. I got to have a friend come over and spend the night! We watched the Movie "Next" and ate a ton of popcorn. Then played a couple hours of xbox. We played not too late but late enough that we were almost l8 for church. If he came on a Friday night i guarantee that we would have stayed up alot l8er! But before all the fun I got to write three papers since I blew them off this week:(. Then we got to go rake leaves at my grandparents house!

Right now I'm looking for a good pair of big headphones. I just broke mine this weekend so i need to find a new pair.

Monday, October 22, 2007


today b4 bible study at a friend's house I landed a Verial Kickflip on accident. I'm so hyped!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Please Pray!!

Tmr afternoon at 1:00 my grandpa is going to have his knee replaced. Pray that he will recover soon and do his exersices.

Pole Play

This is what I figured out how to do on a pole with a friend.


Today I had family over and was sk8ing! I was sk8ing for a couple of hours until it got too dark. I figured out how to get a pretty high ollie also!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


My parents and I don't see eye to eye about getting face book. So right now I've been trying to convince my mom into letting me get a facebook. If you have any hints on how to persuade my parents about me getting one feel free to comment!

Weather In Iowa

Burr is what I kept saying this past week until now. Now I'm ripping off my shirt cuz its so hot. After living here for around 13 years and a couple months I figured that the weather in Iowa can change like crazy just in a day or so!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm Bored

For the past couple of days it has been raining on and off. It gets really old.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I am currently searching for an mp3 player for our church. I'm looking for a flash drive that is from 4 to 8 gb and costs around $100-$150. It also needs to run on windows 2ooo so if you have any knowledge of where to find one please comment.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

asian boys

something i found with a friend

Friday, October 12, 2007


Today was an AMAZING day! We played CTF with our church and I had a friend over after words. CTF was lots of fun. I was surprised that the cops didn't come this year because they always come when we play and ruin it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Today I got to have one of my best friends over! One of the coolest things was that we only had to do an hour of school. Then we could goof off the rest of the time. But that got interrupted around 945 or so since we HAD to go to the doctor for my stupid physical. Of course I had to pee in a jar then throw it in the fridge. The stuff looked like orange juice! I now won't be able to drink orange juice. The thought of a woman handling stuff that isn't normally handled is rather kinda scary. But it all went well until... I had to get THREE shots in my massively biceps (not really my biceps are very small:( ). Of course the needles, this is true, were about 3 inches long!. My dad, who hates needles and the sight of blood, was in the room and made a comment that I had to laugh at. Then my friend made a comment from a joke that made me laugh so hard the nurse kinda got mad cuz it was hard to inject the shots on a convulsing body. Now my arms have bruises :(.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Today a friend and I went 4 wheeling. We had a blast. We cruised around in fields and on the roads. We probably hit around 50-60 miles per hour. Then we had to stop cuz of the rain.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Internet at last!

Today we (my dad and I) got the Internet on the comp fixed!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


It all started yesterday. My Internet decided to not work anymore so I haven't had much access to the comp. So basically it will be awhile until my next post. So anyway I found a very temporary way to keep on. So today I got a lot more school done. I went to parkday with some friends and sk8ed. I also thought of an idea that would be fun to have on my blog! Tell my what you think about it and actually tell me what you think. I thought it would be fun to put on a parable from the Bible or from ones that I have written. Then you can email me or comment and tell me what you think the parable was describing and who the characters represented. here goes
There once was a man who was the most popular person in town. One day he decided to make a journey through the woods to go and get a gift a friend was giving him for accepting him and keeping an open relationship with him. So he headed out and started his way. All at first it was a blast and easy. But then after awhile it started to get alittle harder and harder. Eventually he got to a spot on the path that was covered in thorns all over. He thought to himself "I am strong and I can get through this easily.". So he decided to go and push his way through. What he didn't see was that the patch of thorns wasn't just a patch but a HUGE field of them! Still confidant he kept trucking on. After a little while he decided to rest. At first when he sat down the thorns tore at his flesh and he bleed all over. But he soon got used to it and didn't care much about it. After a while resting, he thought to himself, "why do I keep going for the gift that my friend so kindly gives? Why don't I just stay here awhile? Its not too bad.". Time past so fast that he didn't even notice that the thorns were growing more thick all over him. Soon he couldn't get out. He couldn't move or anything. Just imagine being bound by thorns all over. Not fun. But anyway back to the story. He worked and worked at the thorns but they just wouldn't move. Soon he just gave up and sunk into the patch thorns. After a long time of waiting, His friend appeared and asked why he was just laying there. He asked why he didn't keep going and why he just gave up. His friend then gave him a pair of clippers and helped him get untangled from the thorns. After a long time of chopping and hard effort, the man was free and he and his friend went on to the man's house to receive the gift promised to him by his friend.
Leave comments about what you think about it. Well I unfortunately have to go to bed:(

Monday, October 1, 2007

this is an awesome vid!! It shows how the christian life can be hard.